Einstufungstest: Einstufungstest Englisch A1 - C1


Einstufungstest Englisch A1 - C1

Allgemeine Angaben


Aufgabe 1
1. Samantha
a shoe saleswoman. She
at a shop in the mall.
2. She
sneakers very much but
high heels at all.
3. Her favorite type of sneakers
basketball shoes.
are likes were works doesn’t like is like not like work
Aufgabe 2
4. When Henry
a boy, he lived in the
house in his village.
5. People
come from all over the country to
his house.
6. Tickets to visit his house
very expensive, but they sold out
would was saw weren’t quickly wasn’t quick oldest see
Aufgabe 3
7. It is never polite to ask how
money someone earns or if something they own is
rich people are shy that they earn
and poor people are often embarrassed that they earn
9. But it’s ok to be a little jealous if your friend’s car is
than yours.
much expensiver more expensive expensive very few many a lot very little
Aufgabe 4
10. We had hot chocolate at the café and
we saw a movie.
11. I
that café every
Fridays, I
to the cinema and watch a science fiction film.
week go in then on after days visit am going am visiting
Aufgabe 5
13. “Where
go on your next holiday?”
14. “I
flying to Mallorca next month.”
15. “Oh really? Maybe
you there!
scuba diving near Palma in three weeks!”
I’m seeing am I’ll see I will I’m going are you going to will you
Aufgabe 6
16. According to my grandmother, people worked
back in her day.
17. She
every morning at 4 o’clock to get to the coal mine as
as she could.
18. As the head coal miner, she
to arrive
fast waked woke punctually fastly was being harldy hard needs needed said punctual sayed
Aufgabe 7
17. Steve’s new puppy was
unhappy at night that Steve couldn’t sleep. The puppy was just
18. The veterinarian suggested Steve wasn’t feeding the puppy
and an extra hot-dog or two would help the puppy sleep through the night.
19. After feeding his new puppy a turkey sandwich before bed, the puppy was quiet and Steve slept
well that he felt like a million dollars the next morning.
to enough such so so many too
Aufgabe 8
20. In 1992, Laura
to Atlanta because she
a ticket to the Summer Olympics.
21. She
as many events as she could, but her favorite
seeing the original Dream Team win the gold medal.
had been had traveled had won had attended was being was attended was attending won traveled was traveling was winning
Aufgabe 9
22. The class trip was canceled
rain and the students were very upset
they had been looking forward to it.
the bad weather, the teacher laid a large blanket on the floor of the classroom and the students had a picnic together indoors.
24. All of the students were happy and had fun
they didn’t visit the beach.
instead of although despite due to because even though
Aufgabe 10
25. If you
so late, we
gotten on the road on time.
26. Even if we
now, we
be able
tickets and see the first quarter of the game.
27. In the future, if you
late, call me!
leave weren’t could have won’t have left bought wouldn’t to buy could are will be hadn’t been would of
Aufgabe 11
28. My aunt
for telling tall tales. She once
me she
speak Japanese, but that wasn’t true.
29. Another time, she excitedly
that she
the lottery, although, sadly, the ticket
30. And then, the day she really
the jackpot, no one
believed couldn’t did win had won exclaimed won told could had exclaimed did believe knows is known had been can said was winned
Aufgabe 12
31. I’ll be quick
to take too much of your time.
32. The investigators didn’t find any real evidence which pointed towards guilt and,
, Stephanie was released from jail.
the poor weather, we canceled the company picnic.
despite this however so not therefore so as not Owing to consequently